Coaches and course creators are now, more than ever, listing ‘launch management’ as a requirement for their VA and OBM roles.

This is your chance to finally feel confident offering

launch management

services to your clients

Get ready to skill up and stand out with my plug and play launch management frameworks and resources designed to

(Perfect for Virtual Assistants, OBMs, Marketing Service Providers and Seasoned Launch Pros)

I already know I want in,

Back in 2019 I went on a mission to ask as many virtual assistants and OBMs as I could what their number one reason for NOT offering launch management services to their clients was.

Their answer …

I don’t know what I don’t know.

That’s the nature of launching, right!?

You’ve seen launches in action, you may have helped do the tech setup or managed customer support. But until you are in the pilot’s seat you don’t even notice all those tasks that happen behind the scenes, or how to troubleshoot what to do when it’s not going to plan and It’s impossible to plan for things you don’t know could happen.

Lack of confidence, fear of the unknown, gaps in your knowledge …

That no longer has to be your reality


Your go-to launch management blueprint for ambitious OBMs and VAs ready to own the role of launch expert.

I’ve been offering launch management services since 2013 (yes, over 11 years!) and through careful analysis of my own work, and that of other successful launch managers I Identified three core competencies of a successful launch manager…


Becoming a go-to launch provider means providing strategic advice that takes you far beyond helping set up emails or supporting on a webinar. Launch Manager Pro’s are experts in tailoring launch strategies to best suit their clients audiences and goals because cookie cutter launch tactics no longer work in 2024.


The bread and butter of the role, project managing the launch from start to end. Experienced Launch Manager Pro’s have this dialled in with consistent systems and processes to take a launch from ideation to debrief as smooth as possible.


Launches are NOT set and forget and being able to analyze, improve and optimize a launch before, during and after is where Launch Manager Pro’s truly shine and show their clients the power of hiring them again and again AND refer them to everyone they know

Let’s look under the hood of Launch Manager Pro and what it means to join this exclusive program and community.

Let’s start with the A - Z of launching! The core of our program covers:

of Launching

We’ll begin our time together by discussing the fundamentals of launchinag AND your evolving role as a Launch Manager. This section is jam packed with everything you’ll need to set the foundation. We’ll cover all my key principles, frameworks and approaches to set you up for success.

Also includes our ever expanding Acronyms and Terminology handbook!

The Anatomy of a
Successful launch

This section is ALL about strategy. We will dive deep into the psychology of launching, how to set goals and KPI’s, how to utilize persuasion techniques to improve sales, and much more. This is your go to section if you are ready to own your role as a launch strategist for your clients

5 Phase Launch
Execution Blueprint

You’ll gain access to my tried and tested 5 phase launch framework that will guide you through planning and execution of every single stage of a launch. Each of the 5 modules provide in depth tutorials, templates, and plug and play processes to ensure you have everything covered before you move on to the next phase. This covers everything from that very first call with your client, all the way through planning, launching and debriefing at the end. This is your bread and butter execution section

Then we have our ever expanding libraries:

Launch Optimization Library

This is your go to section for everything optimization. Want to know how to improve open rates? How to save people from leaving the cart page? Boosting show up rates on webinars? What to do if you are mid launch and it’s not going to plan? Then all you need to do is dive into this library and find exactly what you need to solve your problem and or take that launch
to the next level.

Launch Template Library

Any time we reference a template, briefing document, checklist, content plan, spreadsheet you’ll find it here. Ready to be copied, used and made your own to wow your clients.

I already know I want in,

But it doesn’t end there, because there is always room to get a little nerdy and we are not here to play small!

As a launch manager there are also three main components you will manage the delivery of.

You bring it all together

  • The events that happen during a launch such as a webinar
  • That are built such as landing pages and sales pages
  • The traffic sources by which people are seeing content during the launch such ads facebook ads and emails

The more you know about the mechanics of these and how they work, the better you can advise your client before, during and after a launch on how to make them the best they can and convert as many people as possible to students for your clients launch

Introducing our completely revamped

Deep Dive Hubs

All designed to take your understanding and strategic know-how to the next level, each hub is constantly being updated with latest learnings and strategies to ensure you can easily access and learn on the go

Activity Deep Dive Hub

Explore each type of launch activity in even more detail. What they are, how they work, when you should use them and best practices. From challenges, to webinars, from Q&A sessions to online summits - we’ve been there, done that and sharing everything we’ve learnt with you.

Asset Deep
Dive Hub

The cogs that make the launch work, we’ll take you behind the scenes on best practices and our tried and tested frameworks for landing pages, sales pages, cart pages, webinar rooms and more to ensure these are as optimized as they can be for every launch.

Amplifier Deep Dive Hub

We’ll take you through all the common amplifiers in a launch including emails, Facebook ads, social media, community and more. We’ll explore how they work, what the strategy looks like and best practices so you can confidently drive and nurture as much traffic during the launch as possible.

We think you’ll agree that, by joining us inside Launch Manager Pro, you are going to have everything you need to succeed as a Launch Manager, but there is one more thing we think is important to success - other people.

That’s right, you’ll also get access to our exclusive Launch Pro Community!

The Launch Pro community includes three incredibly exciting and important elements that we know you are going to love and will support you in your Launch Management journey.

Community Portal

Our exclusive community will be your go to for any questions you have about this program, launches you are working on or other topics you want to learn more about. We have an incredible community of launch managers, tech specialists, VA’s, OBMs all with different levels of experience and skillsets so you can truly tap into each others expertise as well as myself and my team.

Expert Lead Q&A Calls

With over 10 years experience managing launches, this is your chance to join me on small, intimate calls where not only will we cover live trainings but we will also have dedicated Q&A time so no matter whether you have a question about a topic in the program or you need help with a launch you are managing I am here to support you live.

Special Live Trainings

From project management to copywriting, Facebook ads to Black Friday strategies and more. We have several special trainings lined up to expand on your marketing knowledge across the board. Best of all you get to request new topics you’d love to learn more about!

Launch Manager Pro Lite


(or 3 x $350)

All the essentials without the community

  • Fundamentals Of Launching
  • The Anatomy of a Successful Launch
  • 5 Phase Execution Blueprint
  • Launch Optimization Library
  • Launch Template Library
  • Activity Deep Dive Hub
  • Asset Deep Dive Hub
  • Amplifier Deep Dive Hub

Manager Pro
All Inclusive


(or 3 x $515)

  • Fundamentals Of Launching
  • The Anatomy of a Successful Launch
  • 5 Phase Execution Blueprint
  • Launch Optimization Library
  • Launch Template Library
  • Activity Deep Dive Hub
  • Asset Deep Dive Hub
  • Amplifier Deep Dive Hub
  • 12 months access to our Exclusive Launch Pro Community Incl.

    • Community Portal 

    • Expert Lead Q&A Calls

    • Special Live Trainings

Launch Manager Pro Lite


(or 3 x $685)

For the Pro ready to accelerate their experience with 1:1 expert feedback Fundamentals and mentorship

  • Fundamentals Of Launching
  • The Anatomy of a Successful Launch
  • 5 Phase Execution Blueprint
  • Launch Optimization Library
  • Launch Template Library
  • Activity Deep Dive Hub
  • Asset Deep Dive Hub
  • Amplifier Deep Dive Hub
  • 12 months access to our Exclusive Launch Pro Community Incl.

    • Community Portal 

    • Expert Lead Q&A Calls

    • Special Live Trainings
  • 3 x 1:1 30 minutes calls you can redeem within 12 months for any Launch support (reviewing launch plans, providing feedback, or discussing your own personal growth)

Pay in full and unlock everything today!

That’s right, if you choose our payment plan option you will instantly access module 1 today, the rest will unlock over 10 weeks. Pay in full today and unlock all modules and resources immediately!


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