You missed out!
So let's cut to the chase
If you are here, you are likely a Virtual Assistant, OBM, Operations Manager or Virtual Service Pro who ...
Is fairly new to launching but wants to learn more
Has managed launches before and ready to go pro
- You understand the basics of what a launch is and how it works but you just don’t know what you don’t know.
- You are interested in learning more about the process of launch management so you can offer this service to your existing or future clients.
- Your current clients already do, or want to do launches, but don’t really have a system or thorough project plan in place to make sure everything gets done.
- You know that with the right systems, templates and processes in place you could be the perfect person to help your clients have amazing launches.
- You've done launches in some capacity before and you LOVED it! BUT, admittedly it was a little chaotic, rushed, and 'on the fly'. You were like a duck in water - calm on the surface but below, you were paddling as fast as you could to keep up.
- You know launch management is something you want to keep offering, but you can't keep managing them the way you do sustainably.
- You know that there has to be more efficient streamlined ways of executing each phase of a launch
- You know that with the right systems, templates and processes in place you would be the perfect person to help your clients have amazing launches.
Has managed launches before and ready to go pro
- You've done launches in some capacity before and you LOVED it! BUT, admittedly it was a little chaotic, rushed, and 'on the fly'. You were like a duck in water - calm on the surface but below, you were paddling as fast as you could to keep up.
- You know launch management is something you want to keep offering, but you can't keep managing them the way you do sustainably.
- You know that there has to be more efficient streamlined ways of executing each phase of a launch
- You know that with the right systems, templates and processes in place you would be the perfect person to help your clients have amazing launches.
I've been there...
When I started managing launches in 2013 the industry was vastly different than it is today.
The last 8+ years has seen an explosion of ‘launch methods’, technology options, promotional platforms, launch gurus … you get the gist.
On one hand it’s great that clients are more self educated than ever. But our job, as launch managers, has become more challenging. We need to be across it all, on top of the latest trend in launching and know how to use that latest tech.
Honestly, just know that the FUNDAMENTALS of launching don’t change that much.

Strategy | Execution | Optimization
Let's talk about Execution first.
Execution really is that FOUNDATIONAL skillset that sets you up for success as a Launch Manager. It's the bread and butter of your role, it's essentially how you project manage the launch from start to end. Unlike strategy and optimization, execution is much more standardized and replicable, and it is where I recommend both new launch managers focus on mastering first AND where experienced Launch Manager go to improve their services and offerings.
That is why we dedicate a large portion of the structured step by step part of this program to EXECUTION.
Execution is then top and tailed by Strategy and Optimization. THIS is where you really start to own your place as the go to launch manager for your clients.
We have you covered on the strategy front with everything from the psychology of why launches work, to how to pick the perfect strategy for your client and everything in between. Our strategy focussed sections of this program will equip you with everything you need to become to trusted and go to launch strategist your clients rave about.
Optimization is where you continue to hone your skills. Instead of a step by step process, this section of the program is more like a 'pick and mix' library. We cover everything from reporting, to improving show up rates, to saving abandon carts and how to optimize a launch with a client who is starting with 0. These section is where you come to upskill and take your clients launches to the next level based on only what you need to know.
I'm basically giving you my entire execution blueprint to plug into your own launch management offerings. Coupled with a download of my brain to give you a new depth of knowledge when it comes to all things Strategy and Optimization.
Let's take a peak under the hood ...
Fundamentals of Launching
We'll begin our time together by discussing the fundamentals of launching AND your evolving role as a Launch Manager. This section is jam packed with everything you'll need to set the foundation. We'll cover all my key principles, frameworks and approaches to set you up for success
The Anatomy of a Successful Launch
This section is ALL about strategy. We will dive deep into the psychology of launching, how to set goals and KPI's, how to utilize persuasion techniques to improve sales, and much more. This is your go to section if you are ready to own your role as a launch strategist for your clients.
5 Phase Execution Blueprint
You'll gain access to my tried and tested 5 phase launch framework that will guide you through planning and execution of every single stage of a launch. Each of the 5 modules provide in depth tutorials, templates, and plug and play processes to ensure you have everything covered before you move on to the next phase. This will cover everything from that very first call with your new launch clients all the way though planning and launching and debriefing at the end. This is the bread and butter execution section.
Launch Optimization Library
This is your go to section for everything optimization. Want to know how to improve open rates? How to save people from leaving the cart page? boosting show up rates on webinars? What to do if you are mid launch and it's not going to plan? Then all you need to do is dive into this library and find exactly what you need to solve your problem and or take that launch to the next level.
How you will access all your goodies
We have specifically designed this program to allow two things to happen.
1. Some modules are designed as a 'pick and mix' where you learn only those relevant to you.
2. Others are designed as a step by step to ensure you have all the templates and processes you need in order to successfully move forward to the next phase without gaps or confusion.
This allows you to focus on what is important to YOU right now and ensures you don't get overwhelmed or rehash things you already know.
As such, the core program is designed to be completed over a 9 - 12 week period, dedicating 2 - 4 hours a week to not only the program content but applying the lessons and using our flexible templates to create your own documents and processes ready to use with your next client. Initially the contents release is staggered over a 9 week period however you are welcome to complete this in your own time at a pace that suits you.
Louise's training style made it so easy for me to get to grips with how to plan and manage launches
- Frances G. | OBM
Introducing our fully upgraded Resource Libraries!
All three are updated on a regular bases to ensure you have the most up to date information no matter what phase of a launch you are in.
($997 value)
Acronyms & Terminology Resource Library
The go to place for any words or terms you are not familiar with. PLF Formula, ClickFunnels, Evergreen, UTM Parameters … we’ve got you covered.
Examples Resource Library
The go to place for examples of launch and marketing elements we love. Landing pages, sales pages, Facebook ads and more. So you never have to start from scratch and always have examples to show your clients.
Template Resource Library
Any time we reference a template, briefing document, checklist, content plan, spreadsheet you’ll find it here. Ready to be copied, used and made your own to wow your clients.
omg wows I am doing your course at the moment and it's a game changer. I love how you presented, the practical information on HOW to deliver a launch and how to best serve the client. I have just started but already landed a launch client and putting your teachings to good use!
Plus, our BRAND NEW Launch Deep Dive Hubs
Brand new to our upgraded version of Launch Manager Pro, these three deep dive hubs are going to take your knowledge, skill and expertise to a whole new level!
They will support you as you grow from simply project managing the launch to becoming the launch expert who can advise on every detail and weigh in on the strategy with confidence. That is where this industry really becomes lucrative $ for you!
Activity Deep Dive Hub
Through this program you'll learn that all about the activities that power any launch. The deep dive hub will allow you to explore each in even more detail. What they are, how they work, when you should use them and best practices. From challenges, to webinars, from Q&A sessions to Online summits - we've been there done that and sharing it all with you.
($697 value)
Asset Deep Dive Hub
Assets are like the foundations of your launch, they are your landing pages, the sales pages, cart pages, webinar rooms. They are the cogs that make the launch go! And we'll take you behind the scenes on best practices and our tried and tested frameworks to ensure these as best as they can be for every launch.
($697 value)
Amplifier Deep Dive Hub
Amplifiers are what support people to see and interact with your launch. Think emails, Facebook ads, social media, community. We'll take you through all the common amplifiers in a launch, how they work, what the strategy looks like and more so that you feel confident in driving and nurturing as much traffic during the launch as possible.
($697 value)
+ some extra launch goodness!
All three are updated on a regular bases to ensure you have the most up to date information no matter what phase of a launch you are in.
Program Management Essentials
If you are working as a VA, OBM, or assistant for your client it’s likely you’ll also be involved in welcoming and managing your clients new customers into their program. This bonus module will cover the essential foundations of successfully managing this process for your client and managing ‘wow’ experiences for them.
($297 value)
My Tech Favourites
A resource that covers my tech favourites that I love using with launch clients. If your client is missing a key piece of tech you can easily reference and use this to help make a decision about what your client needs.
($47 value)
Healthy Wellthy Launch Plan
Let’s avoid launch burnout with a very different but equally important type of launch plan. My good friend Vesna Hrsto and I have created a very special exclusive resource that includes a step by step guide on how to manage your health and energy during busy launch weeks, as well as a handy resource for healthy energy boosting snacks and go to foods, plus mindset audios you are going to LOVE to keep you zen, calm, and on task, even if the tech ‘sh&t’ does hit the fan!
($497 value)
+ 6 months of access to our BRAND NEW
The Marketing Lab!
We think you'll agree that you are going to have everything you need to succeed as a Launch Manager, but there is one more thing we think is important to success - other people. Our BRAND NEW Marketing Lab include three incredibly exciting and important elements that we know you are going to love. Not only will these support you in your Launch Management journey but it's designed to go BEYOND that. Providing you insight and trainings around marketing, evergreen funnels and more so that you can become all round marketing specialist. Even if you only ever offer launch services, the power in being able to advise on what comes before and after your support is invaluable to your clients.
($1792 value)
Our exclusive community will be your go to for any questions you have about this program, launches you are working on or other topics you want to learn more about. We have an incredible community of launch managers, VA's, OBMs and more all with different levels of experience and skillsets so you can truly tap into each others expertise as well as myself and my team.
Q&A and Expert Calls
We are excited to have several experts lined up to provide even more insights that will support your learning. These calls are designed either as Q&A sessions to get your questions answered or as training sessions to support and expand on your learnings.
Special Marketing Trainings
From project management to copywriting, Facebook ads to Black Friday strategies and more. We have several special trainings lined up to expand on your marketing learnings across the board. Best of all you get to request new topics you'd love to learn more about!
I found LMP to be extremely helpful and thorough. It's a pretty robust program which is perfect for those who are just starting out with launch management but still relevant for those already doing the work.
I've learned quite a bit from the program and I find myself referring back to it regularly when things come up with client launches. The private Facebook group is also great because Louise is very quick to answer questions and holds live Q&A calls which are also very helpful to get real time support and feedback. I've gone to her for advice on specific client launches and she's always happy to offer support.
I highly recommend LMP for anyone that's looking to up level with launch management services.
Alyssa G
Launch Manager
We will kick off together on Tuesday 7th May
STAGE 1 (Weeks 1 and 2)
We'll start our time together by focusing on everything you need to know BEFORE you start your Launch Plan.
We'll be covering everything from the Fundamentals of launching, to your role as Launch Manager, Anatomy of a success launch and cover the very first of our execution modules all about 'Launch Initiation' with your client.
You'll also get access to several of our bonuses and resource libraries so you have everything you need at your finger tips!
STAGE 2 (Weeks 3 - 5)
We will then shift our focus to everything you need to know and consider BEFORE day 1 of Launch. We will be covering everything related to Launch Planning and Setup so that you can confidently start any launch knowing you have all the major components of the launch covered.
STAGE 3 (Weeks 6 - 9)
We will then deep dive into everything happens both DURING and AFTER the launch, including opening of our Launch Optimization Library so that you can ensure you stay on top of all the moving pieces, can troubleshoot as you go and close off a launch with your client on a high!
This is the current order and timings of the content releasing however we have designed this program to be utliszed in your own time so you have the flexibility once the weeks content has been release to take as little or as long as you need!
Timings and weeks subject to change, and any changes to this schedule will be communicated with members
You missed out!
$520USD x 3
Best Value
- Entire Launch Manager Pro Program
- Acronyms and Terminology Resource Library
- Examples Resource Library
- Template Resource Library
- Activity Deep Dive Hub
- Asset Deep Dive Hub
- Amplifier Deep Dive Hub
- Bonus: Program Management Essentials
- Bonus: My Tech Favourites
- Bonus: Healthy Wellthy Launch Plan
- 6 months access to The Marketing Lab

As an Online Business Manager, I got to a point where I needed to make a change in order to get more fulfillment from my OBM business. I decided that I had to niche down, to offer Launch Management services to my clients.
I searched online and soon realized that there was very little launch management training available. When I came across Louise's Launch Manager Pro program and saw how many modules were on offer at such an affordable price, I purchased without hesitating as I had only seen one other program which was over 4 times the price!
The LMP program has exceeded my expectations! Louise's training style made it so easy for me to get to grips with how to plan and manage launches, she even gives you an understanding of the branding and marketing elements that help to make client launches successful! I now have the knowledge and all the templates I need to confidently manage my client launches.
I highly recommend Louise's LMP program!
Online Business Manager
You have 2 choices:
You can continue what you are currently doing
- Continue offering generalist Virtual Assistant, OBM, Project Manager or Virtual Support Pro Services and not sharpening your skills, so that you can offer in-demand Launch Management services OR ‘Winging’ it as you go, with bits and pieces you have done in previous Launches
- Piecing together what to do based on courses you have done on ‘how to launch’ meant for business owners not strategists, managers or implementers
- Starting from scratch each time with no SOPs or templates you can use to speed things up
You can join Launch Manager Pro and
- Learn how to become a Launch Manager, having everything you need to create and execute comprehensive project plans
- Work seamlessly with team and contractors who enjoy how easy you make it for them to do their best work
- Have happy clients that love how easy you make it for them to show up, serve their audience and do what they love
- Be confident in creating successful launch strategies you can execute from beginning to end
Which would you prefer?!
Total Value: $7,708
Ask away!
Frequently Asked Questions
We have people of all levels of experience join us from VA's who have never done a launch to experienced OBMs looking to fill gaps in their knowledge and grab some handy templates and processes. Ideally you will have already been involved in a few launches for your clients. This isn't a prerequisite BUT it does allow you to apply what you are learning to launches you have already been a part of. But don't worry, we cover off all the basics of launching so that no matter your level of experience you can get over all elements of launching.
Of course you can! We have deliberately separated out the content related to growing a launch management business so that those who are working as part of an internal team can still get the same great experience out of all the modules. We have several agency employees and contractors in the community.
This is really up to you. We have structured the program so that you can complete it as fast or as slow as you need and many people cherry pick what they need RIGHT NOW and then come back to the other parts later.
We want you to be able to use this program like a 'go-to' resource no matter what stage of launch you are working on.
Most people complete the program over about 12 weeks, some people can do it in just a few weeks!